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Internal Audit Automation – Key Considerations and Benefits in an Organization

“With automation technologies quickly evolving and early adopters proving their effectiveness, the moment has come to analyze and select solutions for Internal Audit robotic process automation. In addition, significant measures must be taken to prepare for planned, gradual deployment.”


Automation, also known as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is a concept that is extensively used to automate labor-intensive, monotonous, repetitive operations across all business verticals, and more so in enterprise-level organizations’ internal audit activities. An organization's internal audit department relies heavily on manual processes that are completed precisely process after process. As a result, in recent years, internal audit teams have identified a growing need to automate their procedures in order to improve productivity, minimize potential risks, and ensure accuracy.

Internal Audit embarks on an automation path

Internal audit is a time-consuming and redundant procedure that is prone to reporting mistakes and data inaccuracies. Non-alignment of internal audit processes within the department and with other departments of the organization is a major danger to the company's smooth operation.

Intensive data collection and frequent follow-up on action items present a difficulty in achieving the requisite accuracy throughout the auditing process. IT consulting businesses analyze the factors that impede a company's internal audit process and fundamentally propose how auditors might record, track, and monitor the quantitative and qualitative procedures of the organization.

To automate business and knowledge operations, intelligence automation relies on the ideas of data analytics, cognitive, and artificial intelligence. Based on organizational requirements, the best-suited automation method is selected. To accommodate the various auditing demands, a unique automation method is implemented, and a risk-based audit plan with a clear well-defined scope is carried out.

Automating Internal Audit Processes: Factors IT Consulting Firms Should Consider

The first and most important step is to define the vision, scope, and strategy for automating the internal audit process. IT consulting firms analyses the current status of an organization's audit process, what problems they face, and what automation plan may be used, and clearly articulate the reasons for the same.

Embedding the intelligence automation process in an organization can be a one-step procedure or a full transformation, depending on the scope of the audit process that a company pursues. Businesses that use a single-step audit process, for example, may require one-step automation embedding and testing, but organizations that use audit phases may require a ground-up disruptive change to automate their internal audit processes. Either of the techniques, as well as a well-defined communication and execution strategy, are proposed.

The process's next priority is to ensure and create the necessary infrastructure for implementing and deploying intelligent automation of internal audit procedures. Having the necessary infrastructure makes maintenance and risk mitigation measures easier. Improved governance is one aspect of this issue since it ensures that the business has the proper candidate to execute internal audit processes. It is critical to have an effective change management strategy in place to address the changes that emerge as a result of automating the audit process.

The Advantages of Using Intelligence Automation in Internal Audit Processes

The advantages of automating internal audit processes are numerous and varied. Among the crucial advantages are:

- Achieving audit efficiency par excellence:

Workflow produces error-free output with no anomalies in the audit procedures when using automated audit.

- A better risk management strategy:

Organizations benefit from greater transparency and efficiency as a result of automated audit procedures, allowing them to be better prepared for unexpected hazards. Risk mitigation and risk management become an inextricable element of the process when it is automated. The risk's severity and the likelihood of occurrence are assessed ahead of time, leaving companies better prepared to deal with the hazards.

- Higher production quality at a lower cost:

The automation of internal auditing provides for improved process accuracy. By decreasing the time-consuming and tedious procedures, businesses may significantly cut the operating expenses connected with them.

- Increased business value:

By automating internal audit procedures, the total process turnaround time is reduced, which provides value to the organization by giving deeper insights into analytics and reporting.

Human potential and automation capabilities

Long troubled by manual procedures and laborious duties, IA departments can now delegate most of the "grunt work" to digital staff who don't mind long hours and repetition and who, when managed properly, seldom make mistakes. This has the potential to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and quality across the IA life cycle, resulting in increased value for the company and better utilization of the most valuable resource of all—intelligent, highly talented human people.

Any corporation's internal audit department is crucial to its success since it may make or destroy the organization. Identifying the possibility for an organization's audit process to be automated is the key to bringing about revolutionary change. Intelligence automation strategy is the foundation of any firm. The automation of audit procedures supplements human capabilities, which have the ability to elevate a company to the level of par excellence by increasing the quality and consistency of audit operations.